ISO Certification
Yamato Intec has obtained “ISO9001”, “IATF16949” and “ISO14001” certifications for product quality improvement and environmental conservation.

Quality company policy
Visualize,monitor and improve all process that leads to THE CUSTOMER FIRST and MANUFACTURING THE SAFE PRODUCT
Environmental policy
【basic principle】
Through our production activities, we will strive to continuously and actively reduce the environmental impact to a minimum, and fulfill our social responsibility as a company while maintaining and improving the environment and management.
【Initiative guidelines】
In all departments, we will work on global environmental conservation activities as one of our management goals.
- In order to protect the global environment, we will comply with laws and regulations, set improvement items to the extent technically and economically possible, and continuously promote environmental improvement activities by regularly reviewing their goals.
- Under the leadership of the environmental management system and 5S voluntary conservation activities, we will comprehensively raise awareness of the environment by disawareness and through environmental policies for all employees.
- We will set priority improvement items suitable for the department, such as energy saving, resource saving, and waste reduction in line with the life cycle orientation, and continue to work for concrete improvements.
We will actively publish this policy and provide it if requested.
Revised on May 1, 2020
welfare and health education/ training
- Council of Management
- Labor-management social gathering
- Summer Festival (Yamatowaiwai)
- Year-end party
- Influenza vaccination mediation
- Retirement allowance system
- Various seminars
- AED installation
- Congratulation and condolence money
- Continuous employment system
- Quality Study Group
- Japanese study group

ecological action
- Environmental ISO acquisition (ISO14001) certification acquisition
- Emergency response training
- Cleaning activities in the factory complex
- Environmental impact survey
- EMS usage management
- Industrial waste management
- Separation of waste
- Introduction of LED lighting
safety and sanitary
- Health and Safety Committee
- Safety patrol
- Health checkup
- Stress check
- Establishment of a mental health helpdesk
- Health guidance, etc.
- A disaster drill

- Counter disaster manual are prepared
- earthquake and fire insured